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Rideau Breeze Marina's Live Release
Seasonal Fishing Derby

Rideau Breeze Marina, Bait & Tackle hosts a Seasonal Fishing Derby every year attracting participants from Canada and the United States.  As stewards of our environment, our annual fishing derby Rules & Regulations are established within Ministry guidelines and reflect our desire to assist in maintaining healthy fish populations in our region. 



The entry fee is $20.00 in Canadian Funds. Entrants will receive a contestant hat and $10.00 of each fee will go into the prize purse. Winners will also receive a plaque from Rideau Breeze Marina and their names will be engraved on the Marina’s plaque.


The total amount of prize purse will be divided into three (3). There will be three (3) winners who share the prize purse: 1/3 of prize purse for the Heaviest Pike; 1/3 of prize purse for the Heaviest Large Mouth Bass; and, 1/3 purse for the Heaviest Small Mouth Bass.



1. You must be a contestant prior to catching the entry fish.

2. Fish must be caught and landed by the contestant.

3. Fish must be caught in the Rideau System between Jones Falls and Brewers Mills Lock (Dog Lake is included).

4. Contestant's derby hat must be worn at time of catch and at weigh-in.

5. In case of a weight tie, length of the fish will determine the winner.

6. Fish weigh is at Rideau Breeze Marina only and during normal business hours of 7 am to 7 pm (seven (7) days a week).

7. Winners do not need to be present at derby close, but contestants are responsible to ensure that we have your correct mailing address so we can forward the prize money and plaque.

8. Anyone may enter except owners and their family.

9. Rideau Breeze Marina reserves the right to refuse any fish that the owners of the Marina deem is presented in such a condition as to render the fish unfit to return to the water or which has not been entered in good faith. If refused, the entry fee will be refunded if the derby hat is returned in reasonable condition.

10. A contestant may enter all categories but will only be allowed to win ONE category. The entry that is the heaviest shall determine the category won.

11. By entering the derby, each contestant consents to have his/her name and picture posted in the Tackle Shop and on the Rideau Breeze Marina website.

** 12. In an attempt to preserve the fish population and to be more environmentally responsible, the derby is "LIVE RELEASE". Keeping those large fish in the lakes is very important to maintaining a good healthy breeding stock.

** 13. In line with our more environmentally friendly approach, participants will no longer be notified by regular mail of the derby results (saving trees). Instead, the results will be posted on our website and our Facebook page. Of course, the winners will still receive their prizes in the mail.



Derby opens on the day of opening season for the particular species. Pike starts on opening day for pike. Bass starts on opening day for bass. Derby closes for all categories at 12 noon (by the cash register) of the Tuesday after Labour Day. Under no conditions will a late entry be accepted.

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